Monday, January 21, 2008

Mini Tummy Tuck To Make Your Tummy.....Mini!

We all would like to think that we are happy to grow old naturally and age gracefully, but there comes a time when we start to think about getting a little help with things that, while not necessarily something we hate about ourselves, it would just be nice to nip it or tuck it in or suck it out. I really think that if you feel that it's going to make you feel better about yourself, make you more confident and outgoing and if you can afford it, of course, then there is no reason why you should not go ahead and have a nip or a tuck here or there.
As long as you do your homework extensively, are practical about what you want to look like and what the outcome will be then you should be fine. The world is trying to promote "natural is beautiful" and "woman should love their bodies" - which I believe we should, the fact of the matter is, it is going to take a long time to stop women being body conscious, if ever. We are aways going to want to change something. So for those of you interested, this is a little article explaining a procedure called The Mini Tummy Tuck.

The Procedure is known as the Mini Tummy Tuck or otherwise called a Modified Abdominoplasty. The Mini Tuck is steadily gaining popularity. A lot of women develop excess fat pouches at the lower part of the abdomen after pregnancy. This is a very common occurrence and will not go away no matter how much exercise or how many abdominal crunches you perform. Often, the only solution to the problem is cosmetic surgery. The Standard Tummy Tuck provides the patients with dramatic changes but is sometimes too expensive for some patients. This is where the Modified Abdominoplasty comes in.

This procedure has a lot of advantages over the Standard Tummy Tuck since it is limited to specific situations.

Modified Abdominoplasty Defined:

This is a surgery that is geared towards sculpting the lower part of the abdomen. It is very effective in contouring the muscles and skin below the belly button. Its effect is much more subtle than the standard tummy tuck and most effective for women whose abdomens have been weakened by pregnancy.

Procedures Involved in the Surgery:

A Mini Tuck is much less drastic than a standard tummy tuck and can involve much lesser procedure. One of them is liposuction of the abdomen in order to remove excess fat. There is also a limited excision (removal of) excess skin on the lower part of the abdomen. The abdominal muscles are also tightened giving it a firmer look. Sometimes, a slight adjustment of the skin above the belly button is achieved and in some cases the belly button may be repositioned slightly lower on the abdomen.

Advantages of the Mini Tuck:

The Procedure may not provide such dramatic results as the standard tummy tuck but it has its set of advantages. One of them is that it is less expensive. Another is that the recovery time is much shorter with this procedure. There is less obvious scarring with the Mini-Tuck than with the Standard one. Usually there is just a slight bicycle handle shaped incision on the lower part of the abdomen; this is not a problem since any clothing can effectively hide the scar if any. It is important to remember that only a surgeon can determine if a mini tuck is the right procedure for you. Remember that in most cases, there is redundant fat above the belly button after the surgery. This is because the surgery is limited to sculpting the lower abdomen only. It is best to consult a reputable and board certified plastic surgeon near you if you are thinking of a Mini Tummy Tuck.

Article Source:
About the Author:For more information on mini tummy tuck, visit the tummy tuck surgery site.

1 comment:

Terry Bayer said...

Women want to keep their sexy figure, that's why Mini Tuck is there to help. Although it is not providing dramatic results like standard 'T-Tuck', it can be a start of something good if it will be followed by exercise and healthy diet. Also, recovery period is much shorter than T-Tuck, so shake those booties and have a better lifestyle. For sure, you'll not go under the knife anymore.